We want to bring the youth soccer in the Netherlands and abroad to the next level. To make this happen, we collaborate with professional football clubs.

The collaboration has two main pillars. First, our partners introduce the digital soccer method to clubs in their region’s. This way we improve the regional youth development and the clubs are visible at their supporters. Secondly, we are working together to further development of the method. Clubs share their expertise and resources to develop new modules in the curriculum.


29-07-2018,  Contract, tekenen, Niek Hollewand

VTON and FC Groningen have a common objective: To improve and develop football in Northern Netherlands. By using the VTON method you create structured training sessions to youth players. FC Groningen itself uses the VTON app for the FC Groningen coaching days and the soccer camps that is organized every summer”.

FC Groningen

"VTON and sc Heerenveen have a common objective: to improve youth soccer in the region Friesland. Youth players will learn the right skills with the curriculum. As a result, the youth academies will improve. This way we want to improve the level of youth players from their own region into the youth Academy of sc Heerenveen. In addition, we get even more connection with clubs and improve the Frisian soccer together.

sc Heerenveen

Together with the amateur clubs in our service area, N.E.C. has the responsibility to improve the quality of youth football. In VTON we have found a partner who can realize this together with the amateur clubs and N.E.C. With the VTON method, young players are given the correct development curriculum. In this way we also want to increase the inflow of youth from our own region into the football academy of N.E.C.

NEC Nijmegen

FC Twente wants more regional players in the academy and ultimately in the first team. Good cooperation with the amateur clubs in the region is very important for this, but also with VTON. FC Twente endorses VTON's objective. Only together will we get more regional players in the academy and the level of regional amateur football will be improved.

FC Twente

Sport Service Zwolle has entered into a partnership with VTON with the aim of giving a quality impulse to the youth coaching courses of the Zwolle football clubs. The expertise of VTON, technical football matters, and the specialism of Sport Service Zwolle, aimed at the pedagogical climate of the association, together form a unique combination. Together we can thus improve the quality of the sports and exercise offer and increase sports participation. This will strengthen the sports infrastructure in Zwolle.

SportService Zwolle